Politi-Moose Podcast
College kids talk politics & what's happening around the world,
and sometimes they're funny. Not Red, Not Blue, Just Moose.
Hosted by Penny De La Cruz and the Politi-Moose Staff
- Episode 22- The American Recuse Plan Passes, The Future of the Republican Party
- Episode 21- WV Legislature, COVID-19 Update, Joe Manchin
- Episode 20- Texas Power and Water Crises, Sen. Cruz Goes to Cancun
- Episode 19- What is Going on With the Stimulus, The WV Legislature Returns
- Episode 18- We Have A New President!
- Episode 17 - It's an election year!
- Episode 16 - The Ups and Downs of Pride 2020
- Episode 15 - The Current Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Episode 14 - The Episode We Have to do about Joe Biden
- Episode 13 - Everything is Cancelled Except this Podcast
- Episode 12 - The Opioid Epidemic in West Virginia
- Episode 11 - Running for Office and making office hours (With Aryanna Islam)
- Episode 10 - The Iowa Experience (With Lucy Fitzgerald from Wine & Crime)
- Episode 9 - A Rough Week for Dems.
- Episode 8: Always on their phones
- Episode 7: Wacky Tobaccy
- Episode 6 - Presidential Primary Preview
- Episode 5 - Women on the topic of men on the topic of women
- Episode 4 - Another Day, Another Debate
- Episode 3 - The One Where We Rag on John Delaney
- Episode 2 - We watched a 3-hour debate
- Episode 1 - Who all is Running for President?