U92 News updates: November 14, 2023
Claudia DiLima, Toby Sherman, and Kylie Tuttle from U92’s news staff spoke on the WV SNAP program and the Farm Bill this past Monday, November 13th. They talked to Sydni Vega, Kristen McCartney, Aurie Acciavatti, and Cheryl Prichard about the importance of the SNAP program and resources for how those struggling with food insecurity can gain assistance. McCartney, the SNAP ED director for the state emphasized the importance of nutrition security and finding nutritional foods that will fulfill people’s needs and prevent disease. Acciavatti and Prichard are both board members and volunteers for Morgantown Community Kitchen. The Kitchen provides a hot and nutritious meal every weekday for anyone who may need it. West Virginia is the fourth hungriest state in the country, and Prichard talked about how all types of people come into the Kitchen, especially parents. Vega, the Program Assistant for Student Engagement and Leadership at the Rack, talked about how many people don’t even realize they’re food insecure and how anyone can end up struggling. The most recent example being the pandemic and how many households then became dependent on SNAP.